Small Business Development Center

In 2018 we responded to the RFP for redoing the Small Business Development Center South Central Regional Center website, and were beyond excited to submit the winning proposal. We had worked with the SBDC as a client in the past, when we were first starting out as a small business. The provided invaluable advice and real-world assistance to us in accounting (who knows Quickbooks anyway?!) and financial management.

Their existing site was pretty out of date and of an older design. We proposed a new, modern look with a responsive architecture and a simplified content scheme. We took what was a very ugly, hard to navigate site with hidden content and links, into a modern, sleek, easy to navigate site with a bunch of cool features. We launched just before 2019 and everyone is very pleased with the resulting site.

The Small Business Development Center website consists of the following features:

  • WordPress CMS administrative backend for easy content entry and maintenance
  • A very customized template website design, incorporating the color and branding requirements of both the SBDC and their partner Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Custom video slider on the homepage
  • Ticker counters
  • A slider testimonials
  • Embedded Twitter feed in the footer
  • Newsletter signup form in footer, linked to mailing list in Constant Contact
  • Scheduling functionality for Legal Clinics
  • Accordion Resources
  • Event calendar

Posted by / March 2, 2019